Before and After Anger Purge & Happiness Training

Before: Before I began our work and going through the anger purge process, daily life was a mix of positive and negative elements. Mostly I felt like I was treading water and feeling suffocated by my work and life situations. I worked on my business and website very infrequently and not having much confidence to put myself out there. It felt embarrassing to be at the place I was in life, with so little outward signs of success and it really held me back. My spiritual life was ok, I meditated daily and journal regularly but didn't feel like I was making much progress. Emotionally I was pretty flat most of the time. I thought I had worked through a lot of the negativity of the past but hadn't figured out how to bring in more positives and in reality it was taking so much of my energy avoiding the negative feelings that I couldn't do much to improve my situation. My attitude and self talk were up and down. I kept fairly positive on the surface and outwardly, and strived to be detached but a lot of time I was bitter and frustrated inside and felt almost completely alone in life and it was painful. Physically I was working out and feeling some progress, but breathing fully and deeply was still a big issue affecting my ability to focus and be productive. The energetic blockages and pain were noticeable regularly and active a lot during work to slow me down, adding to my stress.

After: I feel physically lighter and more agile. The energetic blockages have decreased in size and severity by several degrees. It's become easier to breath more deeply and I feel energy flowing to places in my body that have been blocked for many years. My attitude has improved dramatically and a lot of the things that would trigger my anger or bitterness don't bother me at all. I know the universe is a fair an abundant place and my sense of entitlement has disappeared. My feelings of appreciation for the good that's in my life has increased a lot, realizing how many of my needs are met and how I am really very well off already. I feel much more in control of my emotions and ability to stay in the present moment. When I'm around other people at work or in public, I realize the affect my presence has on others and I do more to project a subtle positive energy. My sense of possibility with my business has improved a lot as I feel much more comfortable sharing what I do with others and doing activities regularly to get myself to show up a teacher with some expertise to offer. I smile and laugh a lot more and I feel more free about the problems I see in the world, knowing that's a higher power at work in all those situations and have faith to let that operate perfectly. I'm having more fun at day job and in working towards my goals. Feel a sense of equanimity and clarity that’s liberating, I can see people and situations more accurately and not through the lens of negative self talk and judgements.

Entrepreneur; Philadelphia, PA

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