Fear Purge

In the Happiness Makeover Program one of the final frontiers is to overcome your fears. Here is a step by step process we follow to transform fear into faith.

1) Come up with a list of fears you experience/have experienced in life and group them into categories that are related. For example, some categories could be family, career/calling, health, self, friendships, partnership/intimacy/fertility, global issues, situational issues, spirituality, etc.  

2) After noticing the fear in the mind and writing it down, start to pay attention to where that fear resides in the body. For each fear point record where you notice the somatic experience in your body.  

3) Allow yourself to embody the fear and feel it fully. What would it be like to experience that fear in reality? Let yourself sit with and express those emotions as deeply as possible to step through the experience that fear has been resisting.  

4) Write down what happened as you allowed yourself to experience everything fully.  

5) Give yourself permission to turn the fear into faith: 

  • I feel the fear in my “____________” 

  • Touch each spot 

  • What is it that I am really afraid of? Listen to the answer and write it down 

  • Is this my fear or is it coming from someone else? 

  • Whose is it? 

  • Notice how the fears of those around you are mirrored in self 

  • Come up with the Truth of the Now (TON) in faith 

  • Ex. If my fear is around how my health could be a burden on others, then the TON could be “I am capable and healthy, and when I need support others want to help me.” 


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