This student who is in Corporate Finance and Risk Management saw unbelievable results in her life as she adopted our techniques over six classes in the Upward Spiral Course. She received awards and accolades in her leadership at work, started dating her dream man, and is happier and healthier more than ever before!

Hear what she has to say about her experience:

“Aymee’s leadership course is truly life changing. Aymee is one of the most amazing, kind, thoughtful, intelligent, understanding, approachable, experienced, welcoming and of course happiest human beings I have ever met. The gifts & knowledge that Aymee has left me with is truly wonderful. I have always been a really happy, positive person however Aymee has elevated my happiness, positivity and overall wellbeing. During the course, I learnt so much about myself and discovered what really makes me happy. Aymee was also able to point out habits and thoughts that needed to leave my life! During the sessions, there is homework & books to be read so it is important that you make time for this and commit to the program. The books really helped me learn more about the science of happiness & it’s place in leadership & success! Initially, I was unsure about the methods of the program, however by session 2, I was ready for all as I saw results & thought shifts very fast. By completing this course, I have changed the way I think about many things and how I let hiccups affect me. I am so much calmer, relaxed and happier. I set out to do many things this year and I have fulfilled lots of my goals already this year by learning to focus on me more, listen to my body, thoughts & slow down! I have many amazing visions for the future and truly believe that I am in control of my happiness thanks to this amazing course! Highly recommend spending time with Aymee and investing in something that will benefit you in so many aspects of your life. Thank you Aymee!”

For more information on our programs visit www.happinessforhumankind.com