3 Positive Psychology Applications: Post-Trauma, Prevention, & Productivity

Independent of what is needed in your life, whether it is to heal from the past or go from good to great; happiness science can help.

From a mathematics perspective there are ways to use happiness science to treat many mental health considerations. Here are three places where happiness science can improve well-being for a given population.

Post Trauma 

In positive psychology we have converted PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) to PTG (Post Traumatic Growth). This is a huge leap in thinking because instead of treating the cause of the trauma, you focus on the learning and moving forward from the outcome. It is really hard to think of trauma as growth and that in and of itself is a big statement. 

Positive Psychology helped me and many others

turn trauma into a growth mindset.


Even if you think you are 'normal' ;

  • Where is your happiness on a scale of 1-10?

  • What is your positive to negative thought ratio?

  • What percentage of your life are you living in the moment experiencing optimal flow in flourishing?

Given the statistics, only 17% of the American population is leading a flourishing lifestyle. This would translate to scores equaling close to a 10 in happiness, 100% positive thinking and 100% in the moment. 

I have CEOs tell me they are a 4 on the scale, or moms say they are a 5. If the leaders in your life are modeling anything other than a 10 or higher, the ripple effect is exactly that: a 4 or 6. This means employees and families are affected by the mood of the leaders. Harvard research showed three degrees of happiness spread so your happiness is in fact contributing to those around you. 

If you think you are 'normal' do you think you could improve? If you were able to get yourself even to an 8, imagine what life would look like if you put happiness science to work for you.

Think about your loved ones. Do you want a '10' lifestyle for the people you care about most?

Happiness science can be used as a bridge from good to great.


Productivity hacks are a constant gain in the life of leadership. What if I told you that mindfulness to the precision of the present moment will enable you to accomplish 30 things in 3 minutes

Does that sound like a productivity hack?

Amazing things can be achieved

using positive psychology in daily life.

The photo for this post is an exploding super nova star. I use it as a symbol to demonstrate that happiness science has zero boundaries. It can be utilized by everyone who wants to increase their well-being, master their happiness and live an optimally flourishing lifestyle.

Whether your goal is to heal post-trauma, create a mental health prevention program, or increase your productivity; happiness science can help.
