Hedonic Treadmill or Upward Spiral: Which happiness strategy works?

Have you heard of the downward spiral? Or emotional roller coaster? 


Downward Spiral - Your emotions are predominantly 'negative' you are feeling bad all of the time. Your health could be failing. Bad things may be happening in your world and they are only getting worse.  Dooms day is the only direction.

Emotional Rollercoaster - Your emotions are at a whim to whatever is going on in your life. If good things are happening, you are happy. If bad things happen you are unhappy. Up and down, up and down without a steady contentment.

In positive psychology there is another term called Hedonic Treadmill.

Hedonic Treadmill - This is where you are dependent on the external world for your happiness similar to the emotional roller coaster yet you are obsessed with seeking out and creating all the 'right' things in your life so you can become happy forever. Always looking for the next thing that will make you happy.

The goal in positive psychology is to leave those strategies in the dust and create an upward spiral.

Upward Spiral - Science says a three to one positive to negative emotional experiences will counteract downward spirals and create upward spirals. An upward spiral occurs when you are feeling good most of the time, good things are happening and you are in optimal physical health.

The strategy of the Hedonic treadmill will not lead you to sustainable happiness.

Positive psychology research shows even if you do get all the things you think will make you happy, you will become unhappy within 3-6 months. There is a term for this, it is called Hedonic Adaptation. You achieve your goals and then you want bigger, better, more, now which reinforces the treadmill because you are seeking someone, something, somewhere or some circumstance to make you happy. All of which is external to you and rarely in your control.

Think about it, how many shoes do you have? How many electronic devices do you have? How many vacations or spa visits do you take?

The good ole' Declaration of Independence encourages us to be in this constant pursuit of happiness.

Yet it is 2015 and only 17% of Americans are optimally flourishing.

The hedonic treadmill leaves you dissatisfied, empty inside, lacking a deep meaning and purpose in life, on a hamster wheel for problem fixing, and you may feel totally unlike or out of touch with your true self. It gives you stress, anxiety and a constant social comparison with the Joneses.

The hedonic treadmill does not lead to lasting contentment, fulfillment, bliss or joy. It does lead to stress, burnout, disease, depression, anxiety and a slew of other problems.

I know it may sound like I am encouraging your strategy of happiness to go in an entire different direction than what culture, society, and even your parents told you.  Yet, look at the people you are listening to, are they happy?  

It is a falsehood that everyone is operating under... a Hedonic Mirage.

I will be happy when.... I get ____ I go _____ I achieve ____ I meet ____.

Most of the people who have contacted me for aid in their achievement of sustainable happiness are great achievers. They have already achieved their goals and realized nothing external to them is actually going to create peace of mind and deep inner contentment. Let alone achieve states of bliss and joy!

Instead of tricking yourself into thinking your goals will in fact make you happy, turn your finger back toward yourself.

Ask, "How can I be happy now?"

How can I use positive psychology to help me get off of the hedonic treadmill?

If you realize you are on the hedonic treadmill and ready to attempt a new way of achieving contentment and bliss, I encourage you to learn how to put positive psychology to work for you.

Learn how to take charge of your happiness irregardless of what is going on in the external around you.

Learn how to implement mood boosting techniques daily independent of your external circumstances.

Learn how to increase your resiliency so your bounce back time is a snap of a finger.

Learn how to listen to your heart's true voice when it comes to the deeper questions in life.

Learn how to develop and sustain a spiritual practice that feels right for you.

Learn how to live in the moment and how to create positive thinking patterns.

If you do this, you can stop the downward spiral, get off the emotional roller coaster and say sayonara to the hedonic treadmill.

Your happiness strategy is up to you.  

I say step off your hedonic treadmill, start learning happiness science, put it to work for you on the daily and see your upward spiral unleash and uplift.

As you turn your happiness strategy from the outside in, magic unfolds when you start to see all the things you were in pursuit of, become magnetically attracted to you in ease and flow.

This makes happiness a bulls-eye instead of a bi-product.

Which do you want?

Downward Spiral?  Emotional Rollercoaster?  Hedonic Treadmill?

Or are you ready to create your Upward Spiral?
