Sustainable Happiness Mentors

Personal and professional mentorship have contributed to the epistemology of the Happiness Makeover and Upward Spiral leadership training programs. The individuals mentioned have influence through books, personal experiences, and face to face conversations formally and informally.

Mata Amritanandamay is one of India’s foremost spiritual leaders. She is known throughout the world as Amma or Mother, and highly regarded for her selfless love and compassion toward all being,. Her dedication is to alleviate the anguish of the poor, and of those who suffer physically and emotionally. Throughout her life, she has embraced and comforted more than thirty-four million people. She inspires and transforms through her spiritual wisdom as well as through her global charities, both of which are documented in Embracing the World.® When asked where she gets the energy to help so many people, she answers: "Where there is true love, anything is effortless."

Judith Orloff, M.D., an Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at UCLA, has for twenty years, assisted patients in finding emotional and physical freedom. To attain such a high degree of healing, she synthesizes traditional medicine with a cutting-edge knowledge of intuition, energy, and spirituality.

Caroline Myss, Ph.D. developed the field of Energy Anatomy, a science that correlates specific emotional/psychological/physical/spiritual stress patterns with various diseases. Caroline’s research proved so accurate that it became the subject matter of a book co-written by her and Norm Shealy, The Creation of Health. In 1996, Anatomy of the Spirit,was published and became a New York Times bestseller. Her book has been translated into twenty-eight different languages and has sold over a million copies.

Bob Nozik, M.D. has over twenty years of experience in advancing the concepts of sustainable happiness. His book, Happy 4 Life: Here’s How To Do It is required reading in the Happiness Makeover Program. Before his happiness career, he was a physician and is currently a Professor Emeritus at University of California in San Francisco. 

Robert Muller, Ph.D. was an international civil servant with the United Nations. For almost forty years, he was the Assistant Secretary-General. He was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize nineteen times and has written a book reflecting on his work at the UN entitled, Most Of All They Taught Me Happiness.

Lionel Ketchian is the founder of happiness clubs worldwide. He has worked in this field for over twenty years and has contributed to the foundation of the five steps to sustainable happiness.

Jinendra Swami, a Messenger of Sustainable Happiness, is a spiritual teacher who focuses on the physiology of happiness through movement, breathing, and other techniques as a way to invoke happiness without having to think too much about it.

Yoda is among the oldest and most powerful known Jedi Masters in the Star Wars universe. Yoda's race and home world have not been named in any media, canonical or otherwise, and he is merely said to be of a species unknown by the Star Wars Databank. Yoda's speech syntax has been analyzed and discussed by academic syntacticians, who found it somewhat inconsistent, but could extrapolate that it has object–subject–verb word order. (Wikipedia reference)

Douglas Kipping is a Reiki Master Extraordinaire who graced me with the gift of being able to teach reiki and help others feel better. 

Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) is an approach to communication, development, and psychotherapy created by Richard Bandler and John Grinder in California in the 1970s as a way to achieve specific, positive goals in life. Its creators claim a connection between neurological processes (neuro), language (linguistic) and behavioral patterns learned through experience (programming).

God, family, friends, and academic rigor made this program possible by giving me faith in the process of creation, a healthy upbringing, constant encouragement and support as I have navigated and challenged traditional paradigms of leadership, mental health, academia and entrepreneurship.

Theoretical underpinnings of our programs

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