Open letter to those who are suicidal: Positive Psychology offers NEW HOPE

Even though you are there and I am here, I see you. I see you and I hear you. I know you and I understand what you are going through.

What you are going through is hard, even may feel impossible. It probably does feel impossible which is why you are considering taking your own life.

You have thought of ways you can do it, how it would affect the people around you, and you may already have a plan.

This breaks my heart. My heart is broken for you and how you have considered this as an option.

I want you to know something. Everyday, I have google alerts for ‘I want to die’ , ‘I want to kill myself’, and more.

I am scared with you and for you. I know if your life has come to this, then things are bad, desperate, or again seemingly impossible.

When you are at the deepest point of despair and you feel like this is your only option, I want you to know something else. 

There is hope.

Things can change.

Things will change. 

You have the power to help the change.

We want to help empower you to be able to think through this seemingly impossible life. We want to give you what is needed to help with this impossible situation so you can move away from the path of suicide and toward a path of empowerment.

Putting the power in your hands to overcome the circumstances that drove you to think in this way is what you need right now.

Right now is a precious moment for you.

Right now you can get help. There are crisis lines to help, there are 911 operators, there is a choice you can make.

Why am I writing this note to you?

I am writing it to give you hope, offer you a solution. I want to reach the deepest part of your heart so you can see there is another option.

Besides calling 911, or a suicide/crisis hotline, you can begin to learn positive psychology. 

This may seem weird to you, after all you have been experiencing these dark thoughts of despair for a long time and you may feel you are in a hopeless situation with only one way out.

This way of thinking can be changed, you can learn new skills in how to handle the situation you are dealing with right now in your life. Your loved ones want to help you overcome this challenge.

I know you may be thinking, “My problem is bigger than anything you have had.", "You could never understand what I am going through." Or even, "No matter what you say, I will go through with this.”

As you are on the edge, I am here, with you, I see you and I hear you. I know you and I understand you. AND I am here to offer a solution you have yet to hear of or know you can use.

This solution is positive psychology.

I wish positive psychology would have been more available to you as a lot of people have yet to hear of the new science of happiness.

Since 1998, this growing body of science has come to conclusive ACTION oriented things you can do in order to help yourself move from the thinking of suicide to a more solution focused mentality.

I believe in you. I believe you are smart. I believe happiness science can help you. I believe you can learn how to use happiness science to create a life you would love to live. I believe this may be the first time you heard learning how to be happy is even an option.

I believe you may even be pessimistic about it, yet I want to appeal to a gentle sense of optimism in you.

Beyond my belief in you and my belief in happiness science; I KNOW it can help.

I have been on the suicidal battleground with you.

I have seen multiple suicidal cases and I have seen success.

Success in using happiness science to turn your downward spiral upward.

This is actually a mathematical equation.

When you can think to yourself,

"How can I use math to get myself out of this situation?", there is a solution.

A solution that is fun, engaging, helpful and most of all EFFECTIVE.

In this moment of despair, I want you to know, there is HOPE, there is another option, there is a chance for you to stop the direction you are going in, turn your boat around and go in a better direction.

From my deepest heart of hearts, please hear my sincerity, my caring, and my opportunity that there is another way.

A way to stop your downward spiral of suicidal thoughts and know there is a better way to handle whatever situation you are in.

On behalf of all 911 and crisis hotline operators, we are here for you. 

You can chat with professionals or please pick up the phone.

Call the Suicide Prevention Life Line:

Call 24/7


You can get help and you can get it right now. 

When you are ready to take a further proactive approach and learn how to use positive psychology in your daily life, that is an option too.