Happiness Makeover Testimonial - A Man's Journey from Harvard, Hollywood, and Fatherhood into Sustainable Happiness

Working with Dr. Aymee Coget has been one of the most intensely positive and profoundly valuable experiences of my life. In a remarkably short period of time-- I am still dumbfounded by how rapidly everything in my life improved -- my attitude, my disposition, my physical health, my thought process, my soul… they all got just way way way better.

Working with Dr. Aymee goes like this: She immediately and quite magically assesses your situation. It's almost eerie how quickly and efficiently she zeroes in on all the aspects of your life that need improvement. And then she quite selflessly just helps flip this giant master switch that controls the symbiotic energy flow that links your mind, your heart, your body, and your soul. She switches your energy system from a coal engine locomotive chugging along inefficiently belching out thick chokes of black smoke to a solar powered clean fusion magnetized trackless bullet train that hovers over the earth… and can probably one day fly straight up into the sky and launch you into outer space. One day. With Dr. Aymee’s help.

In my case, Dr. Aymee helped turn my inner thoughts and self talk from angry, panicked, and hyper critical to kind, compassionate, and supportive. dark to light. From negative to positive. From hopeless tailspin to gleeful upward spiral. From desperate self loathing to calm self love. Dr. Aymee is a kind, supportive, jovial, principled, conscious, forgiving, understanding, funny, silly angel on your shoulder who also has huge balls and will call you out on your bullshit in the best and most honest way possible. She's both your biggest cheerleader and your most demanding coach.

Before I started working with Dr. Aymee, and for as long as I can remember, there was this non-stop negative loop in my mind, a never-ending inner monologue detailing and obsessing over all of my failures, my missteps, my social blunders…This was my inner critic. And he was a relentless asshole. And I thought he was right for my whole life. And it turns out he was wrong.

In less than one week Dr. Aymee helped me silence this lifelong (39 years!) negative voice in my head and replace it with my true voice, the voice of my inner colleague, the guy who has my back and tells it like it is. I went from stabbing myself in the back and shooting myself in the foot to finally having my own back and helping me push myself forward in life, in my evolution as a human soul with limited time on this planet. I am now happier, healthier, more grateful, more relaxed, more confident, more patient, more resilient, more hopeful, more positive, more aligned with my true life's purpose and calling. And I've only been working with Aymee a short while.

The Happiness Makeover® is not some gimmick or fad (though there are admittedly gimmicky and even corny exercises and lessons along the way). It is a fundamental and permanent and positive shift in your evolution as a human person and as eternal soul.

I give Dr. Aymee Coget my highest personal recommendation and believe that everyone on the planet could benefit a great deal from her unique wisdom, her scientific expertise, her intuitive insight, and her cosmic angelic soul.

-- Father of 2

-- Director and Screenwriter


Most of this student's classes were conducted over the phone while he was able to stay in the comfort of his own home.

He is now in the advanced happiness portion of the program learning deep inner contentment after 8 classes and zeroing in on the highest states of bliss known to humankind.

Results are the same anywhere in the world.

For more information about programs contact us at www.happinessforhumanKind.com