3 Tips to Boosting Love in Relationships

Let’s face it, love is work just like everything!

Everyone hears this and it has been preached through the ages, the thing missing is practicality and plan as far as

“how to create a happy relationships”

We looked to the literature of positive psychology for a few answers.

We recommend a few books in this area:

Myths of Happiness by Dr. Sonja Lyubomirksy

Love 2.0 by Dr. Barbara Fredrickson

Mentioned in the Myths of Happiness, Dr. Lyubomirsky recommends the following 3 tips to help your relationship.

  1. Celebrate the good news!

  2. Help your partner achieve his or her ideal self

  3. Touch

Good news

To often someone mentions something good that happened and the other person brushes it off, time to put that behavior in the past and celebrate even the small wins!

Ideal Self

We become the reflection others imprint on our identity and it takes so much heavy lifting to just be our elves in the world, let alone our ‘ideal selves.’ Have conversations with each other to help understand and support your growth toward the self you desire to be!


A simple arm over the shoulder or a brush on the forearm can communicate non verbal affection expressing love, gratitude, sympathy, and happiness. Sometimes a simple hand holding can go a long way!

Let’s face it relationships are part of our everyday life!

So take on these quick and easy tips to start moving your relationship in the right direction!

Celebrate the good news! Focus and Inspire your partner to become his or her true self and offer gestures of touch as much as possible.

To learn more about how to use positive psychology to dazzle up the relationship with the one you love visit us at Happiness for HumanKind.